
Celestino Soddu and Enrica Colabella
opening of GA2013
Why Generative Art?

Alain Lioret
France, Universite' Paris VIII
Time Beings :Quantum Beings for Art Exploration and Creation

Aghlab Al-Attili, Ehab Saleh, Alaa I Al-Attili
UK, University of London,
Generative Tectonics: Environmental performance and parametric design morphology

Alejandro Lopez
France, Universite' Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2
Le hasard a l'oeuvre (the random in the artwork)

Celestino Soddu
Italy, Politecnico di Milano,
MUSICABLU. Generative Music Design software for increasing human creativity and generating unique and notrepeatable musical scores
- example

Daniela Sirbu
Canada, University of Lethbridge,
Emerging Visual Structures from a Random Walker.

Daniel Bisig and Philippe Kocher
Switzerland, Zurich
University of the Arts, Early Investigations into Musical Applications of Time-Delayed Recurrent Networks

Elif Belkis OKSUZ
Turkey, Istanbul Technical University,
Generating Through Allometry in Architecture: A design approach for relational morphogenesis

Enrica Colabella
Italy, Politecnico di Milano,
Imaginative Constraints for Generative Chain

Jeffrey M. Morris
US, Texas A&M University,
Collaborating with Machines: Hybrid Performances Allow a Different Perspective on Generative Art

Jon M. R. Corbett
Canada, University of British Columbia,
Apophenia and Celestial bodies: Ancient origins of the pixel

Karina Moraes Zarzar, Mahnaz Shah
UK, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales,
Generative Design Mechanism: City as a Physical Construct, An analysis of the urban context within post-war housing in Amsterdam - Java Island

Maria de Lourdes Zambrano Ruiz
Mexico, Autonomous University of Chiapas,
Random Mathematical Approach in Architecture design Process

Nikolaus Bezruczko
US, Measurement and Evaluation, Consulting, Chicago,
Generative art simplifies psychometrics of artistic judgement aptitude

Philip Galanter
US, Texas A&M University ,
XEPA: color and pattern algorithms for intelligent light Sculptures

Renick Bell
Japan, Tama Art University, Tokyo,
Pragmatically Judging Generators. Live Performance: Improvisation

Silvija Ozola, Latvia
Riga Technical University ,
Synthesis of nature and art in Latvian cities

Tatsuo Unemi
Japan, Soka University,
Non-stop Evolutionary Art You are Embedded in

Val Tsourikov
Belarus , Predizo LLC,
Architecture of Self Learning A.I. Platform for Generative Art

Yiannis Papadopoulos
UK, University of Hull,
An evolving musical painting on the Boundary between permanence and change

Zeynep Bacinoglu and Omer Halil Cavusoglu
Turkey, Istanbul Technical University,
Exploring the potentials of nature inspired Approaches in architectural design through Computational models of seed growth

Artworks and Installations

Celestino Soddu
Generative Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
D'apres Francis Bacon

Alejandro Lopez

Chin-En Soo
New Zeland, University of Waikato
Type Brighter

Enrica Colabella, Celestino Soddu
Generative Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano
Generative Characters

Daniela Sirbu
Canada, University of Lethbridge
An Abstract Constructor of Visual Dynamics

Hector Rodriguez
Hong Kong, City University

Jeanne Criscola
US, Southern Connecticut State University
Cook the Recipe

Jeffrey M. Morris
US, Texas A&M University
The Collected Solo Piano Works of Ferin Martino, as Conjured by Your Presence

Linda Chiu-han LAI
Hong Kong, City University
Door games window frames: near drama

Matteo Moretti
Italy, Free University of Bozen Bolzano
Cornu Portrait

Maurizio Turlon
Italy, artist
An experience of Generative Painting

Tatsuo Unemi

with the artworks of:
Jamy Sheridan

Julie Clarke

Robert Spahr

Anna Ursyn

Daniel Howe

and in memory of
Massimo Gasperini

Paul Coates

Live Performances

Alejandro Lopez

Celestino Soddu

Enrico Zimuel
Italy, artist, Torino
Random cuts

movie of the performance

Jeffrey M. Morris
US, Texas A&M University

Malgorzata Dancewicz and Krzysztof Pawlik
Poland, INIRE
Subsensorial Transmission

Marco Cardini
Italy, Artist

movie of the performance

Renick Bell
Japan, Tama Art University, Tokyo