C A L L - F O R - P A P E R / P O S T E R / A R T W O R K S / P E R F O R M A N C E
GA2024, the 27th Generative Art Conference, Exhibition, Live Performances
Future Visions on Past Steps
The location is in Venice, Italy, at the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Castello 4930, 30122 Venice.
The dates are the 17th, 18th, and 19th of December 2024.
Humanity & AI. The theme of this conference focuses on how to preserve the human complexity, with Generative Art and AI.
Art, poetry, music, architecture, and historic cities need generative ideas for their adaptation to the deep new demands of our fast-changing time.
Our field of interest is to identify these possibilities and relate the most advanced creative approaches of Generative Art and AI. This is why the 27th Conference on Generative Art is supported by the Italian National Commission for UNESCO and hosted by the UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Culture in Europe.
We will be happy to present your generative approach. This can be done through generative ideas that could safeguard specific identities of Art, Nature, Environments and History.
Art&Science - Generative AI -
Image&Space - Music&Poetry - Visionary Scenarios -
After 26 years of GA conferences, the generative and AI approaches are finally running in our everyday lives. So we will be happy if we will discuss this.
This year the conference will run not only in presence and we will try to plan also an exhibition of your artworks in a GA metaverse. A session of Voices of poetry will run during the persormance session. (http://generativeworld.it).
XXVII GA Conference is organized by ARGENIA Association.
If you would like to share your scientific and creative work and your generative art and design experiences with us, please send us an abstract for a proposal of paper, artwork, installation, poster, and/or live performances (the template is on the website www.generativeart.com).
The main topic is "
the field of interest are :
Art, Science & Technology, Generative Art, Generative Design, Generative Philosophy, Generative AI, Generative Singularity and AI Identity, Digital Design & AI Production, Generative Architecture, Generative Geometry, Generative Music, Live Coding Music, Procedural Sounds, Generative Robotics, Cities Identity & Town Design, Mathematics, Poetic Logic, Poetry, Singularity and Generative approach, Biomimetics, Psychology and Medicine Generative models, Culture of Algorithms, Complex non-linear systems, Chaotic Dynamic Structures, Digital Culture, Visionary Art, Visionary Design, Visionary Paradigm, Generated 3D models for 3D printers, Topology, Algorithmic Art, Encoding Art & Sciences, Web Art, Nanoart, Evolutionary Design, Philosophy & Technology, Visionary Scenarios & Virtual Environment, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life, Artificial Behaviors, Futuring Past, Teaching Theory and Methodology, Creative Advanced Teaching
Dear Friends of Generative Art,
We are at the 27th Generative Art Conferences and I would like to thank all the participants in the past editions coming from many different countries of all continents because they have succeeded in supporting GA as the worldwide reference conference in the sector of the generative approach. This with their interesting contributions that were not only academic papers but work in progress able to define the real state of the art of Generative Thinking.
Not only, the discussions, the exchanges of experience, and the working together for reaching advanced possibilities was also the unique feeling of these meetings.
This year we will meet in Venice, at UNESCO, and we will focus our papers on the Ideas for beauty surviving and we hope that you will present the advanced ideas for using at the best your generative approach.
Story and Peculiarities of Generative Art Conferences
Born in 1998, the annual Generative Art conferences are the international leading meetings involving researchers, Ph.D. and creative people performing generative advanced approaches. As in the 26 previous annual conferences, our choice is to have ONLY ONE MAIN SESSION (3 days) with around 40 paper presentations (in presence and, only if necessary, online); an exhibition with posters and artworks in a metaverse; some installations and generative live-performances, whose movies will be also published in the website of the conference. This is because we like to increase the possibilities of knowing each other, exchanging experiences, and crossing opinions.
We don't like parallel sessions and all accepted people will be like KEYNOTE SPEAKERS, scheduled in ONLY ONE MAIN SESSION.
More than 1000 papers, artworks, and live performances presented at previous conferences are on the GA website: http://www.generativeart.com for a free consultation.
The DEADLINE for sending your proposals (abstracts of papers, posters, artworks, installations, live performances) is the 23rd of September 2024 and we are sure that, with your contributions, GA2024, the 27th Generative Art meeting, will be, once more, a place where ideas, results, and opinions will be exchanged and where knowing people working with similar design approaches, in a wide range of different disciplines, will be possible.
We are working to organize these three days of the conference to maximize the knowledge and exchange of opinions among the participants and also for experimenting with new possibilities of technology, like Generative AI focused also in the 2D and 3D environments.
Type of contribution:
Papers to be presented the 3 days of the conference in only one main session
Live Performances to be presented in presence in the 3rd day of the conference.
Artworks and Posters to be presented with a virtual or in-presence presentation.
What is Generative Art
Generative Art performs the idea as a process. Moving the creativity from Objects/Events to Codes, GA builds the contemporary complex natural/artificial environment. Generative Algorithms and Transforming Rules realize, as natural DNA does, always different and unpredictable series of events, artworks, industrial objects, architectures, music, environment, communications, software, and hardware devices, all recognizable by each generative creative concept.
Generative Art is identifiable as one of the most advanced approaches in the creative and design world. It performs the incoming new naturality of the artificial world. Generative Projects, Morphogenetic Design, Evolutionary Systems can design the species of incoming events, their identity in progress, the recognizability of each possibly generated object, the complexity of the contemporary world, spaces, communications, and music.
In Architecture GA can increase the identity and uniqueness of each city, performing generative codes that can be used in designing the incoming transforming paths of each town.
In Industrial Product Design GA performs the relation between intelligent industrial production and advanced design ideas of new naturality.
In In Visual Art, Literature and Music GA opens a new era of reproducibility of artworks. From clone to unique and un-repeatable sequence of possible final results.
The generative approach represents the way to carry out the idea as a product, and not only the artifact-product-piece as the unique representation of the idea.
Generative Art Conference is a meeting place to exchange ideas, theoretical approaches, operative, and teaching experiences, and to value the innovative field of intelligent industrial production and business that belongs to the Generative approach.
Following last years' experience, people can show their innovative works in the concurrent GA Performance Festival that will be held on the evening of the same days of the conference. This will be an opportunity to show and enjoy the most advanced mix of generative entertainment media.
Early submitting, if requested, could be accepted in 15 days to obtain a letter of invitation usable to fund applications.
- No funds are available from the GA2024 organization.
- conference participants will pay a registration fee for covering the conference expenses, lunches, proceedings paper book with ISBN international code and conference dinner.
- To ensure a high-quality conference, all abstracts and papers will be reviewed by the Conference Chair and by the scientific Committee.
- The proceedings of GA2024 will be printed in advance (with ISBN international number) to give written support to the conference and enhance the discussions. The proceedings will be published as a hardcopy paper book by Domus Argenia Publisher with all the accepted papers, posters, artworks, installations, and live performance presentations. The book will be available in time for the conference. A parallel e-book will be available for all participants.
More, the best-focused contributions will be also published in the journal GASATHJ, Generative Art Science and Technology hard Journal (https://www.gasathj.com) after a selection and review for upgrading the papers into a multimedia article fitting the character of the Journal.
- Sending proposals using THIS TEMPLATE: 23 September 2024 (or earlier, if you like, in order to receive an official invitation letter asap)
- Acceptance confirmation: 15 October 2024 (double reviewed)
- Registration, also for paying a reduced fee: 30 October 2024
- 9 November 2024. Final papers (or long text presentations of artworks/installations / live performances) for publication. This is also the deadline for sending images to be exhibited in the GA metaverse exhibition.
Please, if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us at celestino.soddu@polimi.it or celestino.soddu@argenia.it
- EARLY SUBMISSION: If a letter of invitation is needed for funding applications or to obtain a visa, please specify it and the proposals will be reviewed within 15 days.
Please note:
- No funds are available by the GA2024 organization.
- To ensure a high-quality conference, all abstracts and papers will be double-reviewed by the Conference Chair and the Scientific Committee.
- The proceedings of GA2024 will be printed in advance (with ISBN international number) to give written support to the conference and enhance the discussions. The proceedings will be published as a paper book by Domus Argenia Publisher with all the accepted papers, posters, artworks, installations, and live performance presentations. The book will be available in time for the conference. A parallel e-book will be available for all participants.
- All contributions presented and accepted will also be published on the website www.generativeart.com after the conference.
for attending the conference:
- FREE entrance to (only) attend the conference, Signing up is requested for reserving the seats.
- Reduced fee (within October 30) for invited people and people whose paper, poster, artwork, installation, and live performance are accepted by the scientific committee. The fee will cover conference location expenses and the hardcopy book of proceedings, a bag with other materials, 3 lunches, the conference dinner, the coffee breaks, and pizza snacks.
- Extra reduced fee (within October 20) for aged people over 70 whose paper, poster, artwork, installation, and live performance are accepted by the scientific committee.
- NO FEE for students and young artists (born after 2000) attending the conference in presence and presenting posters or artworks. (without getting the hardcopy proceedings paper book, lunches, and dinner)
As for the previous conferences, having chosen not to have sponsors, the fee is necessary and it will cover only the conference expenses.
17, 18 and 19 of December 2024
Generative Art Conference/ Exhibition and Live-Performances is
organized by Generative Art and Design Lab, ARGENIA Ass.
Location: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Castello 4930, 30122 Venice, Italy
ask information to Celestino Soddu
Generative Art Science and Technology hard Journal: articles about generative approaches in the Digital Civilization
GASATHJ website
The GenerativeWorld metaverse is a free-access metaverse where it is possible to visit several architectures generated using "Argenia", the AI generative software designed by Celestino Soddu. More, in this Generative Metaverse you can find the exhibitions of Generative Art annual conferences
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(only 2-3 emails/year)