Digital Places in Virtual Reality Environments:
Interferences with Evolutionary Agents
Department of New
Media, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
paper approaches aspects related to the concept of place in virtual
architecture. The main focus is on the problem of space perception in digital
environments and in particular in immersive environments. The specific notion
of place developed in the context offered by Virtual Reality architecture is
from Norberg-Schultz’s [1] idea that real architectural spaces are
concretizations of existential space, the present research attempts to identify
new forms of existential space developed through human interaction with Virtual
Reality environments and then analyze if digital immersive environments could
be interpreted as concretizations of these new forms of existential spaces.
Peter Anders’ idea of a new type of hybrid spaces named cybrids [2] and
formed through interferences between the real and the digital immersive spaces
is studied in relation to the notion of hybrid places.
generated through means that are specific to the digital worlds with a main
emphasis on evolutionary agents are an important focus in the present paper as
these are considered to underlie changes in new forms of existential space. The
development of new forms of thinking and learning as proposed by Fogel [3], and
of new forms of creativity and design as
proposed by Soddu [4] based on evolutionary computing are analyzed from the
perspective of social evolutionary agents influencing the perception of place
in virtual architectural spaces.
3D reconstruction of Andrea Palladio’s Villa Rotonda is used as an experimental
virtual environment offering the necessary support for the analysis of diverse
theoretical aspects related to digital space (Figure 1).
Virtual Reality experimentation platform used for this research is based on a
Barco Gemini VR system, Ascension “Flock of Birds” motion tracking system, and
Virtools VR software package.
The research presented in this paper is based on funding from the Alberta WestGrid Collaborative Visualization Program and on research grants from the University of Lethbridge Research Fund and the University of Lethbridge Teaching Development Fund.
Figure 1. Experimental artificial environment
developed for the Palladio’s villa “La Rotonda.” – multiple views.
[1] The approach taken in this research is based
on the interpretation of the concept of space as a system of multiple spaces
presented in Norberg-Shultz, Christian.
Existence, Space &Architecture. New York: Praeger Publishers,
[2] The notion of cybrid spaces is introduced and developed
in Anders, Peter (1999). Envisioning Cyberspace: Designing 3D Electronic
Spaces. New York: McGraw-Hills Companies Inc. and in Anders, Peter (2003) Towards Comprehensive Space: A context for the
programming/design of Cybrids. In Kevin R. Klinger, Editor. Connecting:
Crossroads of Digital Discourse, ACADIA 2003 Conference Proceedings,
Indianapolis, CA USA, October 2003, 161-171 2.
The idea of machines capable to adapt to changeable situations through
evolutionary development and without relying on pre-built databases of
human-based knowledge is presented in Fogel, David. B. Blondie 24: Playing
at the Edge of AI. New York: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001.
[4] The present research takes into consideration the development of a new form of architectural design and with it of a new form of creativity based on producing ideas rather than finalized designs through evolutionary computing. This concept is developed by Soddu in a number of published books and research articles among which one of the latest is: Soddu, Celestino. Visionary Architecture and Architecture Variations. In Celestino Soddu, Editor. GA2003 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Generative Art, December 10-13, 2003, Politecnico di Milano University, Milan, Italy, p. 5-18.