new designs
The use
of morphing algorithms in design computation
Dipl. Des. Ole
Department of Product-Design,
University of Kassel , Germany.
This paper proposes new ways of using morphing algorithms in design computation. The use of morphing algorithms in design processes is not really new however the intention they are used today. If the method so far was exclusively used in the fields of optimization and engineering design, it has the potential to gain new meanings as a generative form-giving tool.
Morphing is the transformation of a form by the effect of forces. These forces can be naturally arising or freely invented forces. Morphing based optimization procedures usually use naturally arising forces such as air resistance.
The approach
described with this paper examines the form manipulation on the basis of
invented forces, represented by the geometries of goal forms. The use of goal
forms allows the intuitive manipulation of product-designs without sophisticated
mathematical knowledge and therefore may attract attention to a large group of
Discussing the use of morphing algorithms, probably everyone
remembers Michael Jackson's music video "Black and White" directed by
John Landis in 1991. Different faces are transformed continuously into others.
Nowadays these effects are everyday business in the fields of visual media.
While the mentioned music video only transforms two-dimensional
picture sequences, morphing became a standard operation in 3D Animation today.
The geometry of a character in position A is transferred into a geometry of the
same character in position B. The computer calculates the intermediate
positions and creates a smooth movement. In animation morphing is the continuous
transformation of a given starting geometry into a given goal geometry.
Morphing designates the way between two conditions and thereby describes no end
of intermediate conditions.
However computer applications permit not only the change into given
goal forms, but allow transformations on the basis of physical rules and
regularities today. The animation of clothes or water is a well-known example.
The appearance of fabric or water corresponds to naturally arising forces like
gravity or wind. The necessary models and algorithms were invented by
engineering sciences [1]. The best known example is done research on the
construction of bridges. The simulation of naturally arising forces determines
the construction of airplanes and ships as well. The shape of an airplane
depends on the airflow, it depends on the interaction of internal and external
forces [2].
While the effect of these forces had to be examined with the help
of complex and time-consuming models in the past, nowadays they can be computed
on the base of procedures like Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite Elements
Method. The output of these models is the result of a morphologic evaluation
focusing on optimization. However to compute constructions like bridges or
airplanes, the functional requirements need to be defined by mathematical
expressions. The need of sophisticated mathematical knowledge may be one reason
why this method was exclusively used in the fields of optimization and
engineering design so far (Figure 01).
Figure 01: A supersonic aircraft is optimized for the subsonic
region, A. van de Velden [3]
If we try to give a general definition at this point, morphing is
the transformation of a form by the effect of forces. These forces can be
naturally arising or freely invented forces. Morphing based optimization
procedures usually use naturally arising while morphing based animation uses
both, naturally arising and freely invented forces.
The use of morphing algorithms
as a generative tools
As described above, the use of morphing algorithms to optimize
various constructions seems to be a common method in the fields of design. But
what is going to happen if one shifts the origin intention to gain variety of
forms instead of reducing variety to an optimum? What is going to happen if one
excludes the optimization for the time and uses morphing algorithms in the way
they are used for animations?
The form of a design A is going to be transformed into the form of
a design B. Thereby the computer calculates the intermediate geometries and
creates a film sequence, which can be stopped at any point. If one stops this
sequence before reaching the end, if the dynamic process of the transformation
is frozen before reaching the goal form, one receives a design C showing
characteristics of design A and design B.
Regarding the biology one can describe this procedure as a
generative process: form C is the result of interbreeding shape A with shape B.
But C is just one out of infinitely many solutions. Similarities between this
process and breeding animals or plants are obvious: Breeding is the
goal-directed evolution within one species and creates variations of already
existing species. The advantage of this analogy is in fact that one neither
need to know how the characteristics of an individual are represented, nor how
they pass on. When humans began to domesticate animals and to cultivate plants,
they could only observe the results of interbreeding procedures. Only many
years later the first theories of genetics arose.
Nevertheless it is briefly to be dealt with the black box of
morphing algorithms: Mesh morphing, meaning the continuous transformation of a
three-dimensional starting geometry into a three-dimensional goal geometry, is
described as a two-stage process. It is differentiated between preprocessing
and interpolation. During the first step, the correspondence between the
geometries needs to be determined. Therefore they get divided into
corresponding surfaces and transferred into the same virtual space. The
intermediate geometries get computed during the interpolation. This sounds
simple at first, but if one is looking at today's applications most implemented
morphing or blending procedures do not obtain acceptable results in all cases
(Figure 02). A good morph should be received as a natural and smooth change,
the corresponding elements of the starting and target object should turn into
each other (nose to nose, ear to ear etc.) and if possible no artifacts or
recognizable errors should occur.
Figure 02: Continuous transformation between a cube and a
spere (Maya)
According to the two main processes, preprocessing and
interpolation, there can be defined two central problems of mesh morphing. The
correspondence problem, which point of the starting-geometry corresponds to
which point of the target-geometry, and the vertex path problem (interpolation
problem), on which way does the point reach its destination.
The actual solutions to solve the correspondence problem can be
divided into two groups: The first relies on dismantling the geometries into
corresponding and parametrizised surfaces by the user. It allows control of the
correspondence information, however it is connected with substantial work and
can only badly be supported by the computer. The second solution suggests an
automated dismantling and parametrizing of the geometries. But this gives
little control to the user and succeeded so far only for certain model classes.
Intensive research at the GRIS (Institute for Graphic Interactive Systems) of
the technical University Darmstadt is accomplished to improve this second
solution. The goal of the research is to expand the automated correspondence
identification to a large class of geometries and to improve the users control
The second large challenge is the interpolation. The frequently
used naive-linear interpolation may cause intersections and deformations of the
geometries. These problems can be avoided by interpolating lengths and angles
instead of points [5] or by introducing an additional skeleton [6].
Although the central problems of mesh morphing are solved, yet, a
practically working system is not available [7].
Breeding coffee- and
If one remains with the metaphor breeding, the first step is to
select a species. In this case coffee- and teapots were selected. Above all
this has practical reasons. Only rotated geometries were selected, since their
two-dimensional description contains all information necessary to transfer them
into the three-dimensional space. There is no difference whether the coffee-
and teapots are morphed in two or three-dimensional space. Thus the problem of
missing algorithms to morph three-dimensional geometries can be by-passed.
After this, suitable breeding-pots need to be selected in a second
step. The Internet offers a huge stock of images that can be used as gene pool.
With the help of the search engine Google the Internet is scanned for images
referring to the search words "coffee-pot" and "teapot" in
order to meet a preselection. This preselection is reduced to thirty images due
to further criteria such as symmetry of the body, distinction or quality of the
picture. In a third step the selected images need to be converted into vector
geometries (outlines). Thereby potential interference factors (background,
unequal resolution etc.) can be avoided (Figure 03).
Figure 03 / 04: Transformation into
vector geometries / Morhing of complete pots
In the first series of experiments each of the 30 input-geometries
is morphed with the 29 remaining. With every morphing process 20 intermediate
geometries are computed. Thus altogether 8,700 new geometries or descendants
result (Figure 05). In order to create a second and third generation these new
geometries become input-geometries themselves in the next series. That means, a
selection of the descendants (first / second generation) becomes parents of the
second / third generation.
Figure 05:
Selected examples, first series of experiments
Briefly regarded, all resulting bodies appear as suitable new
coffeepots. In its appearance some of them are quite close to the original
objects, while others do surprise. The following can be held: The more strongly
the topologies of the input-geometries deviate from each other, the more
frequently surprising results arise. And the more closely the topologies
correspond with each other, the easier the results can be predicted. Facts that
do not surprise particularly, if one consider the basic principles of morphing
algorithms. Nevertheless surprising observation can be made. Some resulting
shapes are quite close to well-known coffee or teapots, although these have not
been part of the morphing process.
The results of the first two series of experiments refer to a
special problem: Because every input-geometry is limited on its body outline,
most results can hardly be identified as coffee or teapots. Typical
characteristics are missing. The results rather suggest associations to vases
or urns. For this reason a selection of complete pots (including handle and
spout) is morphed in the next series (Figure 04). This series examines the
validity of the principle and thus the validity of the two preceding series of
The solution space of morphing operations
The morphing operation requires at least two input-geometries.
They mark the starting point and end of a linear transformation process. Thus
in this case the solution space can be described as a straight line, limited by
two input geometries. All descendants of this morphing process, as well as all
descendants of the subsequent generations, are positioned on the same straight
line. In morphing processes this straight line is usually described as time
axis. The starting geometry always obtains the value 0 and the goal form always
the value 1.
Figure 06:
Solution space of morphing operations based on three input-geometries
According to the number of intermediate stages this time axis is then
partitioned equally. If a morphing operation creates two intermediate
geometries, the axle is divided into three parts. The first intermediate
geometry is described by position 1/3 and second by position 2/3. According to
this 10 intermediate geometries are described by the positions 1/11, 2/11,
3/11,4/11 etc.
The solution space of morphing operations based on three
input-geometries can be described as a triangular area. Straight lines between
the three geometries define the two dimensional area. In order to check the
validity of this model the second and third generation were examined. Within
the triangular solution space morphing operations can be described with the
help of straight lines. These lines are running crosswise and intersect at
certain points but every intersection describes only one geometry. In order
by-pass peculiarities or inaccuracies, caused by the morphing algorithm, only
basic geometries were used in this experiment (Figure 06).
According to the preceding examples the solution space, limited by
four geometries, can be described as a three dimensional area. And like before,
at every intersection only one geometry is described.
Morphing processes can be controlled with the algorithm and the
input-geometries. If one takes the algorithm as given and unchangeable only the
geometries remain as variable parameters of the process. They become variable
parameters of the solution space and each corresponds to one dimension.
Therefore the model of the solution space depends on the number of dimensions.
According to this, the solution space of the first series of experiments
contains 29 dimensions. One out of 30 input geometries becomes the
starting-geometry, which can be manipulated with the help of the 29 remaining
geometries (parameters). The solution space of morphing operations can be
described as n-dimensional space,
whereby n is corresponding to the
number of variable parameters.
Evaluation of the solution
The construction of a solution space does not only include
increasing variety but also reducing variety. A solution space can be extended
or limited by:
1) Adding and excluding input-geometries.
2) Restrictions of the morphing operation (e.g. permitted number
of intermediate geometries or the restriction on a defined range of the transformation
axle (time axis)).
3) The use of computer-aided procedures to evaluate resulting
geometries according to defined criteria. Geometries that do not fullfill the
requirements can either be excluded or modified. All criteria used for
automated evaluation must be computable (volume, price, weight, technical
Figure 07
/ 08: Simulated morpging operation (I-DEAS) / Automated evaluation procedure
To compute defined criteria, the morphing process needs to be
transferred into computer-aided-design applications. Because the chosen
application I-DEAS does not offer morphing operations, they have to be
simulated by using the loft operation. The loft operation creates a three-dimensional
solid on the basis of two cross sections (outlines of coffee-pots). The two
cross sections are transferred into one another by a constant transformation
similar to the morphing operation. New cross sections can be extracted and
rotated from this solid (Figure 07). The solids, created in this procedure, can
be used for computer-aided evaluation. Defined criteria can be misalignment of
weight when pouring out, distance between the centre of gravity and handle
necessary angle for emptying the pot (Figure 08) or size of the surface in
proportion to volume.
Figure 09:
Physical models of morphed nature forms
But even if all used geometries of coffee- and teapots are based
on physically existing cans, the additional evaluation of physical models
(scale 1:1) can be very helpfull. Physical models supply information, which
cannot be computed. Surely one can try to evaluate proportions on the basis of
computer representations, but with high probability the evaluation of physical models
will come to different results. Experiences, gained thereby, can be formalized
again and then be implemented into an automated system.
Increasing variety
In the preceding series of experiments the different geometries
were always morphed with geometries of the same species, coffee- and teapots
with coffee- and teapots. The solution space convinces by the large portion of
suitable solutions (without consideration of aesthetic preferences). But at the
same time these solutions offer only little surprises or innovations. The
borders, determined by the preselection of geometries of only one species, seem
to be quite close.
The following two series of experiments shift these borders and
expand the solution space by supplementing by new geometries of different
species. This is a big advantage of breeding designs on the computer. One is
not limited to interbreed within one species, like breeders normally are. Using
morphing algorithms one can interbreed every species with every different one.
The first series is using the outlines of the preselected pots,
like before and additionally new outlines of glasses, posts and table legs. In
the next series the outlines of coffee- and teapots are excluded. Instead of
using already designed input-geometries this experiment is based on grown
nature forms like leafs, blooms and branches. They are reduced to their outline
and rotated along their center axle (Figure 9 / 10).
Figure 10:
Selected examples, series of experiments using nature forms
The results can be summarized quite briefly. The less the input-geometries are predetermined by meanings, the more freely the results can be interpreted. In particular the morphs of nature forms offer space for free associations like vase, candle stand, streetlights or wine glasses (Figure 10). This space is only limited by the dominance of the rotation-symmetry. Thus morphing algorithms can also be used as initial-tools during early stages of the design process.
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[3] ARCH +, Zeitschrift für Architektur und Städtebau,
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[4] Alexa, Marc: Morphing von Polyedermodellen,
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[5] Sederberg, T.W.: 2-D shape
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[6] Shapira, M.; Rappoport,
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[7] Alexa, Marc: Mesh Morphing - State of The Art Report.
Eurographics Association 2001