Arch. E.Simonetti, Ord. Arch. SS
Architectural Association Graduate School, London,
United Kingdom
A design of a Complex Active System is being developed which adapts in response to external and internal conditions. The composite system reacts dynamically to different loads and ground configurations, moving from a surface to create an enclosure space, simply by changing pressure and tension. This removes the need for moving-part mechanisms for active control. An experimental method has been employed to predict the material behaviours. The result has been used to identify appropriate architectural applications for the composite system.
This paper reports on progress with the research on a Complex Active System which is being developed as thesis for a Master of Architecture within the Emergent Technologies and Design programme at the AA Graduate School.
The aim of my research is to perform an idea as process; the process leads to a generative design.
The line of investigation followed an experimentation approach, evolving from the effects exerted jointly by the information age and increasingly sophisticated materials processing capabilities.
Combined investigations influenced the original idea of form finding as a generative tool to design and produce the form. In particular, an evolutionary computational growth of surfaces in a mathematically defined environment that simulates biological growth on one hand, and the formation process through pneumatic membranes and fibrous systems in biological structures on the other.
01. Genr8 _ evolutionary
form generation 02. Materialized out
coming form generated
I have been fascinated by such natural complex systems: fibre-supported soft-pneumatic structure.
Examples in nature, i.e. radiolarian shells or crustaceous organisms, combine the use of pneumatic membrane, primitive life generator, with an abiotic building element to partially harden the body, crossing the boundary between animate and inanimate.
Many multi-cellular organisms rely almost entirely on internal hydrostatic pressures to oppose the elaborate and varying tensions in their membranes.
Natural composite structure: this is the chosen model for the design, the strategy of organisation to be pursued through an evolutionary process.
Besides, a research on material properties and construction methods for yachts with fibre composite hulls and three dimensional weaving of racing sail manufacturing technology supported the design development.
By emphasis on generating complex surfaces through modelling rather than through mathematical formulation, the aim is to have an immediate material consequence that is architectural and structural. Therefore I direct the scope of my research for developing a complex active system with non-linear behaviours.
The structural hypothesis is a layered pneumatic membrane in a fibre matrix, a composite where the fibres are orientated in layers to give responsive properties to the pneu, and the potential to control changes to the overall form. With a biological approach, there is no solution of continuity between structure and material; the ‘composite’ could be as much a structure as a material.
The system is then constituted of a soft-core of pneumatic membranes, a number of flexible envelopes all tension surfaces, and macro-fibres, constraining tension membranes, that can turn into hard-body as a reinforced composite, where the fibres carry mechanical loads and a matrix transmits loads to the fibres.
The latter, while adding structural
properties to the system, varies its responsive performances by introducing a
time-scale factor.
03. Structural System
On one hand a soft body, reversible,
locally dynamic, able to change in space and time; on the other a hard body,
irreversible in its form, locally static, influenced by time towards a steady
Adaptability and responsiveness within the system are generated by changes in volume of the pneus achieved by pressure alteration and/or restriction or freedom given by the macro-fibre’s tension and distribution.
Pneus absolve a fundamental role. As in biology, they can be used in the formation process, or be part of the active system.
The out coming object when pneus are involved in the formation process is characterized by an unknown form, with a steady configuration obtained by hardening the soft-body, adapted to certain load conditions, self-organized to the best configuration by exchanging pressure.
04. Hard- body 05. Complex surface through formation process
The complex active system becomes a generative tool for industrial manufacturing process of highly complex surfaces across architectural scales, from landscape to design.
Once the pneumatic membranes keep their ability of change volume, exchange pressure and ‘breath’, the system performs dynamically, with global movement controlled at local scale. Unpredictable behaviours are confined within a range of stable configurations, adapting to different load conditions generating topography changes, being responsive to external/internal lighting and thermal conditions.
06. Soft-body 07.
Complex Active System
The experimented bottom up approach generates animate forms.
Complex objects with articulated shapes can easily be obtained and controlled by a self-sufficient construction process; architectural bodies easy to locate and move, adaptable to sites not suitable for conventional construction, with low impact on the surrounding environment.
Potential applications in architecture are defined by the characteristics of the system itself and its materials.
Among a transportable field, in particular our focus is on shelter structures that can be applied for emergency situations such is the case of earthquake, flood, and storm disasters.
08. Semi Active Building
The suggested structure tends to define design solutions alternative to tents or conventional temporary shelters, a rapidly deployable structure.
Evaluating its ability of being adaptable to different ground conditions by changing its curvature from an initial flat configuration to an enclosed space; being dynamic so to expand and modify both its span and its enclosure space according to the users needs; being economical and easy to transport, it becomes a convenient solution for a wide range of situations which do not need to be contextualized a priori.
09. Rapidly Deployable Structure