2nd International Conference GENERATIVE ART 1999

Milano, 30 november-3 december, 1999


Giuseppe Caglioti

Dipartimento Ingegneria Nucleare

Politecnico di Milano

E-Mail: Giuseppe.Caglioti@polimi.it

Ambiguity is hardly a failure of rationality, it is a place where art and science can meet and talk

Roald Hoffmann, 1997


Ambiguity can be defined as the coexistence and/or coalescence of two incompatible aspects in the same reality.

Ambiguity manifests itself

Therefore ambiguity is an intrinsic feature of the process of perception and an intriguing step in the way toward the formation of thought. Ambiguity is continuosly experienced in our mind: every act of perception culminates into the critical state of a dynamic instability of the interiorized image, where the incoherent heap of sensory stimuli merges into coherent visual or auditive thinking.

In turn, since perception is essential for life, we should look at ambiguity not so much as to a fastidious travel companion, but rather as to a fixed course toward perception itself, scientific thought and aesthetic emotion: ambiguity is a permanent cultural value.


  1. G. Caglioti The Dynamics of Ambiguity, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992 (also available in the Italian (CittàStudi 1992, 2-nd edition, Simmetrie infrante nella scienza e nell'arte), German (Wieveg 1990), Japanese (Kodansha 1997) and Russian (MIR 1998) editions)
  2. G. Caglioti From perception to thought, in Katachi È Symmetry, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo 1995
  3. Giuseppe Caglioti, Eidos e Psiche: struttura della materia e dinamica dell’immagine, Ilisso, Nuoro, 1995
  4. Giuseppe Caglioti e Tatiana Tchouvileva, Alle radici dell’estetica, in Una rotta verso il terzo millennio, L’uomo, i limiti e le speranze, a cura di Giulio Giorello e Elio Sindoni, Piemme, Casale Monferrato, pag 68-81, 1995
  5. Hermann Haken, Synergetics. An Introduction. 2-nd Edition, Springer-Verlag, 1983
  6. G. Caglioti, Casanova e la scienza, Moretti & Vitali, Bergamo, 199