The Phylosophical and Pragmatical Meanings of ARS CERAMICA; General Aspects and a Point-like Example: the Visitor Center/Salutatorium/ Installed in the Plant TERRAPLAST from Bistri]a, ROMANIA


prof.dr.Liviu Alexandru SOFONEA                                   eng.manager Emanoil VICIU

Universitatea Transilvania, Bra[ov                                   Terraplast, Bistri]a,

ROMANIA*                                                                       ROMANIA**


§.1. De philosophia


When somebody/or even myself/ ask me the question: ‘What is Philosophy?” we ascertain that we understand without difficulty the question, and, even we “feel” a the set of answers, but we are in a real difficulty to express immediately this set of enounces in a satisfactory reasonable manner.

Philosophy is a dominant feature of the MAN/Homo/1 operationally defined by the articled (inter-active) questions/Questionis/ and*** by their (idem) answers tried/advocated/ argumented logically:

-         a. what2 is MAN/HOMO/? =>

a satisfactory3 definition4/description5 of HIS essential, real/perceivable, de facto maximally complex existence: material, spiritual (reason, feeling, intuition, willingness, awareness/consciousness/ – Homo conscius), individual & communitarean/ MAN & MANKIND/, per se/in itself/, MAN & MANKIND versus extra-


*. Professor at the Universitatea Transilvania from Bra[ov, dr. in Physics, dr. in History of science and technique, dr.H.C. of Universitatea din Petro[ani, member of Comitetul de Istorie [i Filosofie a {tiin]ei [i Tehnicii al Academiei Române/C.R..I.F.{.T./, president of the filiala for Transylvania of South-East centered in Bra[ov.

**. Engineer, General manager of the TERRAPLAST S.R.L., Bistri]a, ROMANIA.


MAN/MANKIND (Physis/Natura/6, trans MAN7; the insulation, the contacts);

-         b. what2 is HIS origin? => the genesis in space (topos<situs) and time (cronos<tempus);

-         c. what2 is HIS evolution? => in Space (topos<situs) & in Time (cronos<tempus: structural metamorphosis).  

-         d. what2 is HIS goal/place8/ in the Universe? => HIS (relative) complexity – simplicity – uniquenes9:

d.1. with regard to HIS own judgement: personal ego, ego-s of another antropos10,11,

d.2. with regard to another frames of references which can/could be conceived or imagined12,7 angels, devils, spirits; transhuman (real/hypothetical) entities, godesses, GOD11,

d.3. His possible12,13 place/role/ in the design of trans HOMO/AlienS from the All/ in the “Strategy and14 of The Tactics Big Anonimous14/GOD/ – Universal Spirit, Creator Maker, Nature, The mysterious omnipotent Person/Entity/ which is in all the thinks (in past, present, future) and, concomitently, is over all the thinks11,14.


§.2. Philosophia perenis


The slogan/enounce14/ eº ‘All the men/unique persons9,15,16/ make (sometimes17 in their terrestrial life16 – consciously/half consciously/ - Philosophy ‘ – is consideredS an evidence; thus I postulate: it is an evidence – assumed axiom of this discours/alocution/ –, statement which define in verbum14,**** MAN/HOMO/ as HOMO PHILOSOPHANS.

In consequentia all the relevant antropic activities has reach to their philosohies16: philosophy of Science, of work, of Politics, of Love, of Creed, … of Technique … et al.


§.3 Axiological perspective


The manner in which is viewed/lectured/ considered the Philosophy – modus vivendi of Homo Philosophans – in very different16:

-         a. for the same person of reference, P^18,19, during his terrestrial life16,

-         b. for qualified/not qualified20 philosophers: scholars, profesionists, schools/currents/, positions19,21 in motion – included in the vast History of Philosophy.

We postulate the axiological perspective19 => Homo make permanently22 elections/options/, some of them achieved in judgements19/: is a conscious (vivid, spiritualized) being22 which, on the basis of some defined/guessed, intuited Values, operate (in mente cum anima) valuation. We define and express in verbum this axial structure of MAN by e ºHomo Aestimans atque Ierarhicus/Axiologicus/.

Homo achieve his destiny not in Physis23, not in Bionatura23 but in AXIOS!11,23,24.


§.4. AXIOS


The realm Axios is complex25

A.     Auto-thelical Values: Cardinal26 Values27 ® by each of them can be reached the Sublime, i.e. the humanized climax/14,28 which is not perfection28 but “brilliant”, marvelous.

        a. The Truth => the work/living within Truth is Science = the axiological hypostasis is named Homo Sapiens Scientifer.

        b. The Moral/Goodness/ => the work/living/ within Goodness is Moral/Ethics/ = the axiological hypostasis is named Homo Cogitans/Eticus.

        c. The Beauty => the work/living/ within Beauty is Art = the axiological. hypostasis is named Homo Aesteticus.

        d. The Love29, (of himself: Narcis; of another person: man « womenAB « child31 « friend) => the work/living/ within Love is Loveness = the axiological hypostasis is named Homo Amans.

        e. The Meditation => the work/living/ within Meditation is Philosophy = the axiological hypostasis is named Homo Philosophans (systematically; accidentally: philosophers, respectively philosophants, dexterous clever speculators,


***.Questions & answers organically unified in a spiritual activity: the modus vivendi of Homo Philosophans (philosophers, philosophants).

****. A poor human expression/attempt to express in verbum.

I. By us; we suppose also by you!

meditative persons; Homo is considered the  centrum/Axis32 Mundi/ – i.e all the problems are relativisated with regard this point of view; even (conventionally: ex definitio antropical) GOD, Natura, trans/infra Homo are considered (in analysis, synthesis; actio, praxis) from this basis.

        f. The creed/Creddo/ => the work/living/ within Creed/Creddo/ is Religion = the axiological hypostasis is named Homo Religiosus (Pius33 Fides34): TEO/GOD/Spiritualized Nature/ is really the Centrum/Axis35 Mundi, i.e. all the problems (conceived by men/Homo/ are, absolutely, in the being of GOD)35; but men /Homo/ cannot36 depass their own condition (no man37 are/could be God; Homo is protected/endowed by God, revealed by God); thus, compulsory, the men/Homo/ conceive/consider (in analysis, synthesis; actio, praxis) the Godness/Divine hypostasis/ only in their limited antropical frame of reference: as believers (fervent, moderate; atheistical, deistical)33,34.

B.     Mean-values: are in Important38: directional values, they actually make possible the achievement39 in real existence of men of the auto-thelical values/valuations.

-         a. the economic =>the work/living/ within Economic/economical value/ is Economy/Ekonomia/ = the axiological hypostasis is named Homo Economicus40,41,42,43;

-         b. the politic => the work/living/ within Politics/political value44/ is Politika = the axiological hypostasis is named Homo Politicus40,45;

-         c. the labour => the work/living/ within Labour/laboural value/is Ergonomy = the axiological hypostasis is named Homo Laborans46;

-           d. the Action => the work/living/ within action /actional value46/ is = the axiological hypostasis is named Homo Agens; in a strong sense Homo Militans 47,48;

-           e. the technique => the work/living/ within Technique/technical value/ is Technique/Téchnika/ = the axiological hypostasis is named Homo Tehnicus; the Technika is the set-summ/49 system, compositum/ of techniques (with their specificities/tehno-logies/: methods, procedures, with their Logos/think/ (modal logie50: Tehno-logia; the polimorphical work in Tehnika generate/are expressed/ by the peculiar axiological hypostatis named = Homo faber51, Homo artefactor /artifex/, /machinarium/;

-          f. et al. => the work/living within them are speaking Euphoria, calculation, organization, mobility, commerce, defence & agression et al = the axiological hypostases are named Homo Locvens 52, Homo Ludens52, … /Ridens/Felix/, Homo matematicus53, Homo ciberneticus53, Homo viator53/mobilis54/, Homo mercator53, Homo militarius53, etc.55.

C.     Crossing-Values => are realistic value-ations operated in the “flow of lifes”/flumen vitae/ circumstantial casus; the practicants, and the theorists conceive in abstracto, proceed in concretto, various mixtures/axio-mixtum compositum/ of various adequate complexity; these mixtums are often rough56 expressions of the real sophisticated organigram of some factual situations – the auto-theical values 57 and the mean-values, 57, are, intrinsically, not completely separated58 but organically coupled (influences, sinergias; systemic connections): it exists in all the major antropical activities (ruled/dominated) by auto-thelical values, , some not pure influence, of mean-value, ,/mean-values aspects/: economical, political, technical, laboural/ergonomical/ et al.


Exemple. The technical & techno-logia-l aspects in:

a.         science = organons/instrumentums/ et al., various, material apparatus, operational/matriceal/ calculus, et al.

b.         arts = technical quality (concertos, pictures, architecture, drawing, retorica, ars poetica, et al.)

c. moral = moral exercises, normas, dogmas, canons/ordeals/, exercitio espiritual59, et al.

d. love = ars amandi60, sex training, family guides, et al.

e. meditatio = silogistical rules, homo significans (locvens: in verbum; in scriptum), homo problematicus (science of interogations, argumentation, presentation,  et al., rethoric, didactic, et al.

f. creed = modus-es to realize the communion believer « /priest/ « God (religare, comunicare; devotional practices, dogmatics et al.).


Mixed values/valuation/ axio mixtum compositum of various adequate complexity61: men need these “amalgamation” to face/cope with the intricate reality62; these mixages61 are often only roughtly56 expressions of the real sophisticated organigram of some factual situation.



{Homo Cogitans/Philosophans & Religiosus/ « Homo Sapiens Scientifer Û Homo tehnicus-tehnologicus « economicus « /laborans, agens, militans62/ « politicus63 (militans, militarius,64,65 …); et al.


            The values – the basic, the mixed, – defined, postulated, are used in valuations of various human activities.

§.5. Culture – Civilisation


Man/Homo/ is66 organically => Creator – producer – consumer of axio goods products/items/fructum/ of Culture & Civilization = this axiological mixtured hypostasis is named Homo creator, Homo productor, Homo consumans.

They are in usum several definition of Culture & Civilisation67: more or less equivalent; often used with some ambiguous meanings (confused; in accordance/in oppositions, et al.).

The axiological-definition =>

a)      Culture, C, => the set and dynamics (individual < social) of auto-thelical Values, , in pure sense < in crossing sense < in mixed sense68,

b)      Civilisation, C, => the set and dynamics (individual < social) al mean – values, ; in pure sense68 < in crossing sense68 < in mixture sense68.

The axio-couples67 (C, C; C & C, C « C) define the interactive, vivid, sociality of Homo69 => Men/Homo-s/ are living in society, “axio-environment” in which they are integrated as creators, producers, consumers in matrix of Culture, [C], alveolus of Civilization, [C].


Example 1. The Lombardean matrix, [C] – in early Middle70 ages, later in more recent epochs – & Lombardean alveolus, [C], – in early Middle ages, later  – has also many relevant technical-technological aspects.

Example 2. The Carpato-Danubean-Pontean Space/C.D.P.S./ from many centuries – in fact (essentially, dominantly)71 Teritoriul Românesc (largerly dominant Romanian & multicultural, ethnical, cultual, linguistic).



§.6. Enuntiare Philosophiae


            The philosophical meditations – in which are conceived72 some aspects73 of the Reality analyzed by thinkers – are expressed in various formsII: oraly74, in written75, by symbols (letters, numbers, images, sounds, gestures76, plastic forms77,78, et al. logically organized in enounces and asertions79,80,81.




§.7. The messages of Ars ceramica


            The production of ceramical objects – ceramics – were made by men from the beginnings of humanity and are made until nowadays: earth83 was at hand of the skilfull homo faber, artefactors84, and the members of this axiological hypostasis are often used it intensively, in diversity85.

            The vox philosophiae were called (told, transmitted) also by the forms, the uses, the colors, the magnitudes, the positions, etc. of some objects made by earth/ceramic materials/ products of which were prepared by men from very early ages: the vessels were symbols, the decorations were bearers charged with messagesIII,87,88,89,90,91,92,93.


§.8. Praxis


            We have conceived a peculiar philosophical message transmitted mainly with the reproductions of some reputed old***** ceramic-al products95 by which is expressed a homage of the human labour96 which is concretised in a monument which will be97 placed in the projected visitor center/salutatorium/ of the Terraplast plantfabrica****** in Bistri]a, Romania – in whose functional structure the production of ceramics98 is in focus. This central monumental objects99 express to the visitors100, specifically interested in the activity of this fabrica, the program of this technical-units, its social message, and, much more, the dignity of the endeavour of Man which meditate on HIS position in the World – frame in which Homo achieve various works96 and live experiences101.

            The organigram of this “philosophical ceramic monumentum” i.e. the set of meanings and representative material components (images, symbols)*******, ********,********* is =>

I. Evocation of the Present95,102 and the near Future96,103/The pragmatical zero hierarchy/**********:

a.       corporal typical pipesS, fittings, et al.  produced in the factory: in ceramics104,***********,


II. Vox Philosophiae Chonus.

III. The case of Carpathean-Danubean-Pontean Space/C.P.D.S./ is exceptionally relevant.

b.      a miniature of the used furnace/cuptor/S: the old “motor”105,

c.       a vertical wallS: which represents a monumental stove with all the faces richly decorated with ceramical plates (various, expressive cahlen/kahlen/; in a neo-barock/”plataresque”/ design)105,106,*********,

d.      a miniature of the used furnace/cuptor/: the new one107; this design show, concretely, the technical progress108,109

e.       typical pipes, fittings, et al. (idem).

II. Evocation of the Permanence110/the First/Basic/ Hierarchy of ontos/the existence/**********: the Pillars of Spirituality, i.e. the symbolized Forces***********:

A.     The Thought: represented by

a. the well known statue from neolithical age named the Thinker of Hamangia111,S,

b.      items from archeo-culture Gumelni]a developed in the low Danube/Dun\rea de Jos/ areals,

c.       archaic items.

B.     The Creed/Creddo/: represented by

a.       archaic ceramical representationsS/P of prominent vestigiums from the shrines, altars, funeral monuments, tombs, icons112,113, objects (sacred, ritualic), from the old cultures – pagans and early Christians – which were developed in the C.P.D.S.

a.1. items from pre-history

a.2. items from ancient history,

b.      archaic religious symbols114,115: carpathean-danubean–ponteans

b.1. items from pre-history

b.2. items from ancient history.

C.     The Fertility – the Feeling, the Affection, the Maternity: – represented by

a.       the image of the thick woman, associated with the well known Thinker of Hamangia,

b.      the image of Fortuna,

c.       archaic items.


*****. The most of them.

******. A prospectus concerning the statute of this fabrica – (the history: the private workshop from the 1880 years the state-al institution, the socialist-ical/^ntreprindere socialist\ de stat/; the actual private institution will be delivered at the occasion of the Generative Art Conference.

D.     The emblem of the plant Terraplast from Bistri]a: the coat of arms made with a prestigious material – bright metal ceramised116; the visitors/observers which remake the trade mark can/must think also on the intensive work achieved permanently in the prestigious fabrica: a not anonymous “point” in the Universe.

III. Evocation of the Past/the second/memorial/ Hierarchy**********/;

A.     The consumed physical & historical time – the Tempus praeteritus – axial position117 of the Man/Homo/ in this World/Cosmos/: represented by some ancient images, signs of Time:

a.        physical time/cronos/: old gnomons et al. used in C.P.D.S.,

b.       axiological time: tempus: old reputed ruins of shrines, thermal, fortifications, basilica, amfiteatrum, stadium, via, pons, et al. from C.P.D.S.

B.     The passed persons: reputed***********, anonymous persons, groups represented by images118,P recorded in some vestigium of the old cultures developed in C.P.D.S.

IV. Evocation of the human values112/the third hierarchy**********/: represented by archaic images in ceramica, which was/can be considered expressive symbols for human virtues – the courage, the scientific reason, the technical hability, the justice, the devotion, the maternity, the familyality.

V. Evocation of Tools119,120,121/the fourth hierarchy121/********** => represented by suggestive archaic images in ceramica.

VI. Evocation of the archaic ceramic products/the fifth hierarchy/**********:

a.       pre-historical items122: the imagesP compose a beautiful impressive belt which surround the lower part of the central monument,

b.      ancient historical items123,124: the imagesP compose a beautiful impressive belt which surround the lowest part of the central monumentum*************.


§.9. Salutatio cum fortuna


            The visitor are invited to meditate on the curriculum of some arts, techniques, human achievements, from the past and to rethink the present125 and to imagine some scenarios for the future126. This monumental stylised giant127, decorated “shell”,


*******. An “exercise book” with the images composing this monument – central item of the visitor center/salutatorium/ will be exposed at the occasion of the Generative Art Conference.

placed in the atrium of the fabrica, in the middle of centrum salutatoris/salutatorium/ visitor center************, is thus conceived as a “philosophical vase128 & horn129.

            This modern Ars ceramica – venerable and vivid human profession which is “located” in a prestigious position in the “realm” of ARS/arts and TÉCHNIKA/techniques, technologies – express, in a sui generis manner*** – i.e. by some hieratic/permanent************** reproductions of some existed items, endowed which symbolical meanings/virtues – the Philosophia Perenis.


********. From the top to the bottom of this spaceal complex material & symbolic artefact.

*********. The formation of young skilful  handicrafts which can produce poporal-like/folk/ items – traditional ceramics et al. – is a permanent command for the leaders of this fabrica.

**********. In this cosmo-graphia: acomplished with elements and structures of ars ceramica.

***********. Spaceal/quasi plane representation: S/P.

************. Some ancient imagesP are considered by the experts as the official images of some historical persons (emperors, kings, priests, et al.); but these names will not be mentioned expressis verbis. 

*************. Placed on a appropriate pedestal in the middle of centrum salutatoris: the monument can be clearly regarded and studied by the visitors.

**************. Old but not obsolete.


Final notes and some short subsidiary comments


1.        For men which are aware ab initio with concern their meditation; for men which became aware during/al fine of their meditation.

2.        Why? For what purposes?

3.        More or less.

4.        In verbum.

5.        Comprehensive description.

6.        Biocells, protozoars, animals.

7.        Angels, devils, spirits, ghosts, et al. such live/”live”/ entities.

8.        Role in Theatrum Mundi.

9.        With no copy/”brother” in the  Universe: in the observable/Known more humanum part of The Big All/Kosmos/ which is a “Realm”/World/ in extension in Tempus, i.e. in quantitative (quantum=space-al) & qualitative (qualitas= progressive knowledge/antropic gnosis/.

10.     Faces of His personality.

11.     Philosophical antropology.

12.     Fictitious.

13.     Logically a correct interrogation.

14.     Homo logicus: locvens.

15.     With their unrepeatable own personality, destiny/Fatum curriculum vitae) with biotic brothers, loved friends, accepted sympathetic persons members of the complex system Mankind/Societas Terra/Terrapolis/.

16.     Has their own Philosophy.

17.     The essential ones.

18.     “Orto” person: pointly determined in concreto/in abstracto.

19.     Judgements of value: axiological judgements.

20.     By his systematic studies, academic documents et al.

21.     Philosophical points of view, Weltanschaung.

22.     When is HOMO  > Animalus.

23.     Mundus rerum < Mundus Naturalis < Mundus Axiologicus.

24.     Sometimes some men are reduced in a quasi/in an extremely low position: as objects (physical thinks: re-ification), as animals (instinctual beings: animalisation).

25.     Imago of MAN: distilled “substance” of the human onthos; Homo Humanus is MAN which all his axiological hypostasis.

26.     In the Latin language the name cardo means a small but essential part/piece/ of a door (mechanical system: device) which make possible/facilitate/ the openings & closures of the door/gate/ a simple system with specific qualities (in-put, out-put; exit, entrance, inner side, out side); in Romanian language this piece/item/ is named ]â]ân/balama/ and are used in many cases (the monumental gates of some rural homes et al.); the name cardinal is used in Theologia: the cardinal virtues of the moral orthodox theology are The Wisdom/~n]elepciunea/, The Right/Justice/Dreptatea/, The Courage/Curajul; Responsabilitatea/, The Moderation (temperate attitude)/Cump\tarea/; the word is often used metaphorically in the coloquial language and in literature (the time is escaped from its “joints”, the nervous man is getting out from his “joints”); the word is used in technique: joints, cardical spaceal geographical main dirrections North, South, East, West.

27.     They are major: “abstract”/ideal/-tors.

28.     A noble, elevated, more humanum position: which produce satisfaction enjoy partially, happiness.

29.     Really very diversified; which is more than sympathy, sex attraction.

30.     Amour: omnia vincet.

31.     Family the cell of antropic normal/harmonious/ existence.

32.     Scope: purpose, focus, hub of the universe.

33.     In status nascendi religious: natural born, without conflicts (with no/minor doubts, hesitations, confusions.

34.     Which arrive to his creddo after many interrogations, doubts, contorsions, experiences: ateist/sceptical phases, confusions, conversions, apostasias, dramatic struggles in his soul (excruciating feelings, breaks; revolts, despairs, et al.).

35.     Sensus.

35. In vivum Dei.

36.     Objectively: by his nature.

37.     Homo a marvelous being: unique, strange, contradictory, in miseries (“divine”-ised persons – heros, rulers, tyrans … by some enthusiastic partizans/maniacal excited fans; proud rulers which are, crazily/madly persuaded that they are/were “elected” no less than “instruments of God”, human/exceptional mortals achievers of the Devine Will/Design and they act effectively, in some circumstances as “instrumentum Dei  in sublimes religious extasies, visions, prophecies, et al..

38.     Also essential: sine qua non necessary to define the real antropical condition.

39.     They are important: “real”-isators.

40.     Co-modus vivendi of persons which (inexorably; specifically41) belong to a community/society/.

41.     In harmony, with some real conflicts, tensions42 acute differences, …, which are moderated/politicalized.

42.     In crisis there are strong/extremum: contradictions, antagonist contradictions, casus belli, bellum/conflagratio, riots, revolutions.

43.     Antropos: zoon ekonomikon.

44.     Ex definitio non identic with politikia (intrigues, hypocrisies, lies, felonies, crimes, et al.; terrors, which also, animate some real politik).

45.     Antropos: zoon politikon.

46.     Animals – biotical systems – made mechanical work, but not stricto sensu conscious labour activities.

47.     Military: manu militari.

48.     Another social militants.

49.     Summa, product of ensembles.

50.     Not in all cases apodictical, optimal, mathematical; in many case empirical, circumstantial; in some cases also are involved esthetical “arguments” (improvements; sectio aurea, symmetria, variational principle, et al.), economical “arguments” (prices, conjunctures; failures, et al.).

51.     Animalus faber can be considered in some limit cases i.e. in latto sensu: unconscious/instinctual achievements of some damms, beehivesnests, Tanteaters made by “clever” “laboural animals”.

52.     Universal features of Homo.

53.     Specialized modus of Sapiens Scientifer, Cogitans, tehnicus-tehnologicus politicus, economicus, et al..

54.     Terrestris, navigans, volans.

55.     The exagerations/dominances/hegemonies are, sometimes real axiological phaenomena: scientism, moral/political/ fundamentalism, estetism, technocratia, politico-cratia, buro-cratia, militarism, economism, politicianism, “totalitar”-isms, et al..

56.     Didactical, aproximative.

57.     Vivid species/”forms of crystalisation”/ of the human spirituality/Humane-ness/.

58.     As is convenient to consider them often: methodologically, didactically, academically.

59.     Saint Anton, San Juan de la Cruz, Santa Terezia de Avilla, etc. etc., gurus, eremites/hermits/, et al.

60.     Various; with many aspects: identities, equivalences, subtle differences variants et al.

61.     Multiform: quasi ad infinitum composite axio-hipostasis.

62.     In concretto; for some representation in abstracto of many interesting (unavoidable, perceiving et al.) situations.

63.     The dossier “presented” by Homo aestimans (criticus; judge; incriminate; advocat/attorney/defender/prosecutor), to the Aeropagus of Values/ Jus axiologicus/:  chemical war64, biological war, climatological war, extrem in formational bomb,. A/H/N/ bombs, Space science – technique – policy, oil competition65, transport (Homo terrestris – navigans – volans; informaticus: significans et al.), informational science – technique – policy, spy, manipulations, controls, globalization, propaganda.

64.     Chemical war = in fronts, in K.Z./Gulag, in propaganda.

65.     Savage “oil wars”: Suez, Irak, Golf, et al.

66.     By its very nature: in the moments when it is not in failure (in animality, satanized).

67.     “Bi-cephalic” Axio-structure.

68.     Thus Technique too has some aspects of Culture (genitorial, productive; aditional), composed with those principal which, statutorly, are civilisational ones (generator, producer).

69.     Zoon Politikon/Spiritus Civicus.

70.     In the time of the invasions of barbareans (German peoples: the the lombards/longobardi/Die Lombardean et al.), later (under the reigns of ducs/duce/: the Sforza dynasty; under the administration of Austrian Empire et al.).

71.     Ethnographically, linguistically, culturally et al.

72.     Systematically: meta-physics, religion, doctrines, conceptions, Weltanschaung; partially (logical, methodological, epistemological, ontological, gnoseological approaches; essays; reflexions on metaphysics, religion, moral, Art/arts, Science/sciences, Technology/techniques, technologies, justice, politics, economy, history, culture, civilization, praxis, et al.

73.     Faces, sides.

74.     Eloqui declarare.

75.     In verbum scriptum: with the symbols named letters of some alphabets.

76.     Ritualic monuments, et al.

77.     Sculptures.

78.     Inadequately chosen materials: wood, earth (ceramics, stones) metals (cooper, bronze, iron, glass, special materials (plastics; mixtures, et al.) with their physical-chemical properties (colours, elasticity, rezistence, rigidity, flexibility, et al.).

79.     Explained, declared explicitly implicitly.

80.     With some “hidden” keys: the initiatic texts.

81.     In all the case the analysis/exegesis are necessary: interpretatio, hermeneutica.

82.     Creation; industrial productions.

83.     Special ones: good for procession (by hand, with the help of the whell et al. instrumentum) (caolin; clay stones, et al.).

84.     The results of the studies made by etno-noms (etnologs, etnographs) historio-noms (archeologs, historiographs, historiologs) in many situs-es of the Terra where in different periods of tempus were conceived, achieved, used ceramic objectsIII are extremely eloquent.

85.     Pottery, plates (written, et al.) bells, constructive structures, et al.

86.     “Spokesmen” heard and understood by many communitareans.

87.     In some case positive information were print on the surfaces of vesels: Decebal per Scorilo, the name Petre, paint on the Capidava-ean oal\ (sec.X p.Ich.).

88.     In Antiquity the Sculpture, the Picture89,90,91, the Mozaic92,93, the Ceramics were organically connected with Architecture94. The ceramics is very important to all the persons of Antiquity: this ars is distinguished by the richness of forms and the generous variety of decorative motifs: Ex. In faraonic Egypt: urns, vessels, Ex. In imperial China: has generated the production of porcelain/china/, Ex. In Greece: the marvelous painted vessels (amphoras, Tanagra, et al.), Ex. In Roman Empire: terra sigilata, Ex. In Mesopotamia: the resistant ceramical books written plates with cuneiforms et al, Ex. In pre-columbian Americas: many structures.

89.     The picture has developed in parallel with the sculpture but he creation of the eminent magister – which has worked in fragile materials quasi totally has disappeared and we have some information of them only in some ancient description (literary, historical)90.

90.     In Greece: Polignot, in the Vth century before I.Ch. is the author of Stoa poikilé/the variegated gate/colored portal/portico/ in Athens, decorated with fresco-s with thems taken from mythology and the history of Athens.

91.     The most celebrated works in Roman Antiquity preserved until nowadays are the fresco-s from some aedificium in Pompei and Herculanum town covered by the lava of the volcano Vezuve in the catastrophic eruption from 79 A.D.; the thematics are rich (representations of flowers, birds, mythological subjects).

92.     The mosaic: is specific to roman art/Ars romana/ in some material structures are reproduced figures of men, animals, geometrical and floral drawings.

93.     In S.C.D.P. are preserved the pavimentul/pavimentum/ from Tomis, floor of a warehouse in the harbor of Tomis/nowadays Constan]a/.

94.     In some cases were ancilae Arhitecturae.

95.     From the patrimonium ceramicum of the matrix of culture & alveolus of civilization from Carpathean-Danubean-Pontean Space.

96.     Homo laborans, homo artifex, homo faber.

97.     A giant shell, a vessel, a horn: full with fruits, spices, …, meanings, …

98.     Stoves, pipelines, pots, devices, parts of motors et al.

99.     A system of symbols, representations, material bearers.

100.  Passengers in situ, contemplators of the images of this complex arte fact.

101.  Major, important, secondary, minor …: for peculiar persons, community, Mankind.

102.  Living in Reality.

103.  The reasonably predictable future.

104.  The basis of this empty cylindrical structures/columns/ are achieved, the superior part is “open”; this design suggest the progress, yearning for improved qualities.

105.  Used many years before; used in some case, also nowadays.

105. Used in traditional art: in Romanian, German/Saxon/, Hungarian, et al. settlements (villages, towns).

106.  Not poporal art: more recent, original models.

107.  Complex, sophisticated, automatized, efficient.

108.  Accomodation to the <<New Age>>: technical progress/technical “agiornamento”/ in the electrical-electronical era.

109.  Accepted, known, desired, introduced, learned, used, developed.

110.  Meditation: in the process of work, in the instants of detachment of homo ludens, of homo philosophans.

111.  Small, magic sculpture found near the village Hamangia, in Dobroudja on the shore of Danube; dated: Neolitical era.

112.  Statues, effigies, lamps, et al.: of gods, godesses, believers in adoration etc.

113.  Images of Aphrodite/Ajrdith/, Zeus, Mithras, Tracean Knight, et al.

114.  Gnostical gemma/gemmae abraxeae/115 (abrasax: abraxax) crux gammata, lucerna, et al. runs, pictographical letters.

115.  Considered by believers as apotrepaic substances with the sign of abrasax/abraxas/(abraxax): criptographical denomination used by some gnostics (of Basilides) to name the Supreme Divinity/The God in their poli-teistical religion) which has the exceptional numerological property endowed, for the believers, with magic powers: the some of the numbers which represent the Greek letters is 365: the total number of days in a solar year.

116.  The symbol of the authority of the owner of home/fabrica/, the host of the visitor center/salutatorium/.

117.  Worthly activities.

118.  Coins, effigies, statues, et al.

119.  Pottery (items, workshops, nominated places, etc.), et al.

120.  Illo tempore in stones, woods, metals.

121.  A positive perception specific to Homo Agens (Ingenius, Tehnicus, Laborans…).

122.  From archaeo-cultures: Cucuteni, Boian, V\dastra, Gumelni]a, Hamangia, Co]ofeni, Bratei, Witemberg, Ferigele, Dridu, et al.

123.  Tracean, dacean, getean, roman, greek, daco-roman, carpean (free dacs), sarmatean, celtean, scythean, illyrean.

124.  Some images evoke the barbarean/migratory/ populations: huns, slaves, avars, goths, et al.

125.  An ideatical trajectory in curl/ring/.

126.  Scientific, plausible visions, dreams, fictitious evasions, premonitions, inspirations.

127.  In comparison with real normal vessels, shells, horns.

128.  With ceramic flowers, species, …, with meanings.

129.  Of abundance, emitter of harmonies, receptacle of meanings.

130.  Neo-barock, “plataresque”.








1.      Academia Român\ - Istoria României, vo.I-VI, Bucure[ti, 1996-2002.

2.      Dic]ionar de istorie veche a României (coordonator D.M. Pippidi, Editura {tiin]ific\ [i Enciclopedic\, Bucure[ti, 1976.

3.      Constantin C. GIURESCU, Istoria Românilor, vol.I-IV, Editura Funda]iilor Regale, Bucure[ti, 1942.

4.      Horst KLUSCH, Siebenbürgischen Kahlen/Cahle transilv\nene, Sibiu, 2001.

5.      Ion SIMIONESCU, }ara Noastr\, Editura Funda]iilor Regale, Bucure[ti, 1938.

6.      Liviu SOFONEA, The Areopagus of Values, XIXth International Congress of Philosophy, Brighton, 1987.

7.      Liviu Alexandru SOFONEA, The Museum-isation of some relevant technical artaefactae in the european town Sibiu/Hermannstadt/ and in the Transilvanean Jude]ul/County/ Sibiu at the beginning of the XXIth century A.D., {tiin]a Modern\ [i Energia Universitatea Tehnic\, Cluj-Napoca, 2002.

8.      Liviu SOFONEA, Florentin OLTEANU, Cogitatum pentru }ara F\g\ra[ului, Rosturi [i Rostiri, nr.1, F\g\ra[, 2001.

9.      Liviu SOFONEA, Elena HELEREA, Homo Tehnicus-Tehnologicus eminens in limit situation; case of Romania in the period cca.1 december 1989 – 1 February 1990; XXIXth International Congress on History of Science, Liège, 1997; Proceeding 2001.

10.  Liviu SOFONEA, Emanoil VICIU, Realizarea unui visitor center/centrum salutatoris/ ^n fabrica Terraplast din Bistri]a, România; in the volume Hermeneutica Historiae et Philosophieae Scientiae et Technicae, liber V, Bra[ov; in print 2004***************.


***************. Extremely short.

****************. For orientation.

*****************. Proceeding of the annual session of the Comitetul de Istorie [i Filosofie a {tiin]ei [i Tehnicii al Academiei Române, filiala Bra[ov, iulie 2003.