ART 2011 C A L L - F O R - P A P E R / P O S T E R / P E R F O R M A N C E GA2011, the 14th
Generative Art Conference. |
Art&Science -
Image&Space - Music&Poetry - Visionary Scenarios -
Art - Music - Architecture -
Industrial Design - Web Art - Poetry - Visual Grammar - Design Approach
- Teaching Theory - Mathematics - Virtual Environment - Literature -
Artificial Life - Artificial Intelligence - Cellular Automata -
Performances - Artificial Behaviors - Communication - Generative Robots
- Mechatronic - Nanotechnology - NanoArt
Type of contribution:
- Papers>
- Posters>
- Artworks / Installations>
- Live Performances>
Dear Friends of Generative Art,
We are at the 14th Generative Art conferences and I like to thank all the participants of the last editions, participants from many different countries of all continents, because they has succeeded in supporting GA as the worldwide reference conference in the sector of the generative approach. This with their interesting contributions that were not only academic papers but works in progress able to define the real state of art of the Generative Thinking.
Not only, the discussions, the exchanges of experience and the working together for reaching advanced possibilities was the unique feeling of these meetings.
As the other years the conference will run in three days with only a plenary session.
The reason is that this unique session gives to all participants the possibility of best knowing one each other and to discuss all together.
This year a change, I am sure in better:
we will meet in the historical centre of Rome, between Piazza Navona and Pantheon,
in the wonderful and well-equipped Frescos Hall of CRUI, the Italian Universities Rectors Conference
We will wait for Your proposals (papers, posters,
artworks/installations, live performances) until 19th of September 2011 and we
are sure that with your contributions GA2011 will be, once more, a
moment of great exchange of experiences and an occasion of
meeting people working with the same approach in a wide range of different disciplines.
Generative Art performs the idea as process. Moving the creativity from Objects to
Codes, GA builds the contemporary complex natural/artificial environment. Generative
Algorithms and Transforming Rules realize, as natural DNA does, always different and unpredictable
series of events, artworks, industrial objects, architectures, music,
environment, communications, software and hardware devices, all
recognizable by each generative creative concept.
GA is identifiable as
one of the most advanced approaches in creative and design world. It
performs the incoming new naturality of artificial world. Generative
Projects, Morphogenetic Design, Evolutionary Systems can design the
species of incoming events, their identity in progress, the recognizability of each
possible generated object, the complexity of contemporary world,
spaces, communications and music.
In Architecture GA can increase the identity and uniqueness of each
city, performing generative codes that can be used in designing the
incoming transforming paths of each town.
In Industrial design GA will perform the relation between intelligent
industrial production and advanced design ideas of a new naturality.
In Visual Art, Literature and Music GA opens a new era of reproducibility of artworks.
From clone to unique and un-repeatable sequence of possible final
Generative approach represents the way to carry out the idea as a
product, and not only the artefact-product as the unique representation
of the idea.
Generative Art Conference is a meeting place to exchange ideas,
theoretical approaches, operative and teaching experiences and to value
the innovative field of intelligent industrial production and business
that belongs to Generative approach.
Following the experience of last years, people can show their innovative
works in the concurrent GA Performance Festival that will be held in the
same days of the conference. This will be an opportunity to show and
enjoy the most advanced mix of generative entertainment media.
- Early submitting, if requested, could be accepted
in 15 days to obtain a letter of invitation usable to fund
- No funds are available from GA2011 organization.
- (only) performers don't pay any fee; conference participants will pay a registration fee inclusive of proceedings, lunches, conference dinner etc. (see registration)
- To ensure a high-quality conference, all abstract
and papers will be reviewed by the Conference Chair and Scientific
- The proceedings of GA2011 will be printed in
advance (with ISBN number) for having a support to the conference. The proceedings
will collect an abstract book and a DVD with, in sequence, papers, posters, presentation of artworks,
presentation of live performances. In the DVD will take place also other material as images, movies, music and software
- All papers and presented contribution will be also
published in the website
19 September 2011 (postponed to 30 September)
Presentation of proposals (max one page, following the abstract template) of Papers, Posters,
Artworks, Installations, Live Performances.
You can send the abstract directly by email to or you can use the form in the bottom of the page.
You can also send images with low resolution by email.
If you need an invitation letter for funds applications and you need to have early acceptance, please send your proposal in advance confirming it in the email
15 October 2011
Communication of accepted proposals, double reviewed by the conference scientific committee
10 November 2011
Deadline of registration with reduced fee.
Presentation of final Papers (around 4000 words), Posters (max 2000
words), Artwork-installation and Live Performance presentation (max
2000 words).
19 November 2011
Deadline of registration for people presenting papers for inserting
their work in the proceedings. People registering later will
not have their contribution in the proceedings.
5th, 6th and 7th of December 2011, Generative Art Conference
organized by Generative Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano
Location of conference: Italy, Rome, Frescos Hall of CRUI, Italian Universities Rectors Conference.
Location of Exhibition: Italy, Rome, Gallery of Angelica Library
SEND your proposal to GA2011
send directly your proposal of
paper, poster, artwork, installation or live-performance