![]() GENERATIVE ART 2007 C A L L - F O R - P A P E R / P O S T E R / P E R F O R M A N C E GA2007,the 10th Generative Art Conference. |
Art - Music - Architecture - Industrial Design - Web Art - Poetry - Visual Grammar - Design Approach - Teaching Theory - Mathematics - Virtual Environment - Literature - Artificial Life - Artificial Intelligence - Cellular Automata - Performances - Artificial Behaviors - Communication - Generative Robots - Mechatronic - Nanotechnology Type of contribution: >
This year we reached the tenth annual GA conference and we would like to celebrate this anniversary with an even more interesting meeting. We intend to identify the state of art of the generative creative approach that, in these years, has increased its interest and importance. Generative Art has found new paths of development and new people that have profitably used it. We would like a lot that someone of the most assiduous participants of these ten years proposes a synthesis of different generative experiences, of the generative approach history and of the more interesting results presented at GA conferences from 1998. Our aim is to publish a volume of synthesis of these first ten years, 1998-2007. We will have, during GA conference, the possibility to propose, discuss anche indentify the more interesting contribution presented at GA conferences/exhibitions/performances. As the other years we will wait for your proposals (papers, posters, artworks/installations, live performances) until September 15th and we are sure that with your contributions GA2007 will be, once more, a moment of great exchange of experiences and an occasion of meeting people working with the same approach in a wide range of different disciplines. Generative Art performs the idea as process. Moving from Artefacts to Codes GA builds Natural/Artificial Worlds. Transforming generative codes realizes, as natural DNA does, always different and unpredictable series of events, artworks, industrial objects, architectures, music, environment, communications, software and hardware devices, all recognizable by each generative creative concept. GA is identifiable as one of the most advanced approaches in creative and design world. It performs the incoming new naturality of artificial world. Generative Projects, Morphogenetic Design, Evolutionary Systems can design the species, their identity in progress, the recognizability of each possible generated event, the complexity of contemporary objects, spaces, communications and music. In Architecture GA can increase the identity and uniqueness of each city, performing generative codes that can be used in designing the incoming transforming paths of each town. In Industrial design GA will perform the relation between intelligent industrial production and advanced design ideas of a new naturality. In Art and Music GA opens a new era of reproducibility of artworks. From clone to unique and un-repeatable sequence of possible final results. Generative approach represents the way to carry out the idea as a product, and not only the artefact-product as the unique representation of the idea. Generative Art Conference is a meeting place to exchange ideas, theoretical approaches, operative and teaching experiences and to value the innovative field of intelligent industrial production and business that belongs to Generative approach. Following the experience of last years, people can show his innovative work in the concurrent GA Performance Festival that will be held in the same days of the conference. This will be an opportunity to show and enjoy the most advanced mix of generative entertainment media. - Early submitting, if requested, could be accepted in 15 days to obtain a letter of invitation usable to fund applications. - No funds are available from GA2007 organization. - To ensure a high-quality conference, all abstract and papers will be reviewed by the Conference Chair and Scientific Committee. - The proceedings of GA2007 will be printed in advance for having a written support to the conference. The proceedings will present, in sequence, papers, posters, presentation of artworks, presentation of live performances. - All the presented contribution will be also published in the website www.generativeart.com Deadlines: 15 September 2007 (or before for early application) Presentation of proposals (max 400 words abstract) of Papers, Posters, Artworks, Installations, Live Performances. You can send the abstract directly by email to celestino.soddu@polimi.it or you can use the form in the bottom of the page. You can also send images with low resolution by email. If you need an invitation letter for funds applications and you need to have early acceptance, please confirm it in the email 15 October 2007 Communication of accepted proposals 27 October 2007 Deadline of registration with reduced fee 10 November 2007 Presentation of final Papers (around 4000 words), Posters (max 2000 words), Artwork-installation and Live Performance presentation (max 2000 words) 19 November 2007 Deadline of registration for people presenting papers for inserting their work in the printed proceedings. People registering later will not have their contribution in the printed proceedings. 11 December 2007, Milan Opening of Exhibition and Registration Desk 12 December 2007, Milan 1st day of GA conference, conference dinner 13 December 2007, Milan 2nd day of GA conference, live performances in the evening 14 December 2007, Milan 3rd day of GA conference, live performances in the evening Fees: GA conferences, held annually from 1998, are financed by the participants. Fees and contributions are unchanged from 3 years. Registrations will start the 15 October, after the communication of accepted proposals. Invited people and people presenting their work to the conference people presenting papers / posters / artworks-installations and people presenting their performance that will attend to the conference. (Performers not attending to the conference will not pay fees)
These reduced fees needs that registration and payment are received before October 27th 2007.
Performers attending to the conference are required to register as authors/invited people
The registration fee for the conference of these participants is 750 Euro, which covers attendance to the conference, one copy of the conference proceedings, daily lunch, coffee breaks, evening breaks before the performances, the welcome cocktail and the conference dinner. Attendance to the performances is free. Participants registering and payment received before November 10th 2006 are eligible for a reduced registration fee of 500 Euro. Accompanying persons are welcomed at a fee of 60 Euro including the welcome cocktail and the conference dinner (attendance of the conference sessions is not included)